
FHI Metallic Shimmers


Pantone Metallic Shimmers is a new collection of lustrous metallic and pearlescent tones created to provide all fashion and product designers with a visual reference for metallic color.

Featuring a range of core metallic shades and directional colors reflective of future trends, our new Pantone Metallic Shimmers addresses the increasing importance of metallic finish in fashion and product design. Produced using a pigment coating that combines and highlights the true essence of color with a brilliant and luminous finish, our new Pantone Metallic Shimmers enables designers and colorists working in metallic with an easy-to-use collection of trend-right color references, aiding visualization and enhancing the reproduction process.

All 200 new Metallic Shimmers are available in a portable Color Guide, Color Specifier Book, and as large 8.5” x 11” Sheets, providing you with flexible solutions to fit the needs of your specific design workflow.

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