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Welcome Home


Welcome Home! Two simple words that instantaneously summon feelings of comfort and contentment. PANTONE VIEW home + interiors 2026 provides you with directional color and design styling that celebrates the rich diversity of modern living and offers a genuine sense of welcome. Whether looking to take a journey into a space age future or digital fantasy, transform your home into an exotic retreat or adopt a more industrial or rustic aesthetic, try on a look influenced by the modern west or create an environment that is just simply out of the ordinary, each of our concepts for 2026 invite comfort, nurture connection, and evoke a profound feeling of belonging. Timeless and transformative, they reflect the beauty of human ingenuity and the ever-changing nature of how we want to live and connect.


  • Bound 9” x 12” softcover book on heavy weight paper stock containing 7 trend palettes each supported with 10 pages of visual imagery, material and product direction, color harmonies and key trend drivers and references.
  • Color pages highlighting key color direction by color family


  • 7 trend palettes supported by visual inspiration, written narrative, suggested color harmonies and key design references
  • Pivotal design influences are spotlighted, including materiality, key reference synopsis and a summary of key colors
  • Color combinations illustrate how palette colors can be mixed to create the trend mood
  • Color pages displaying forecasted colors in chromatic arrangement highlight key direction by color family
  • Topline overview of each of the forecasted palettes and colors
  • CMYK values for each of the 63 forecasted colors


  • Forecasted colors laid-out by color family, provide a quick color overview
  • Topline overview of each of the forecasted palettes and color summarize the forecast at a glance
  • Key color combinations illustrate how palette colors can be mixed and proportioned to create the mood and is one of the great strengths of PANTONEVIEW home + interiors.
  • Color, material, texture and pattern direction informs critical surface application, product development, and merchandising choices
  • Forecast displayed with PANTONE Colors facilitates color planning using the PANTONE Fashion, Home + Interior color language
  • CMYK print values for each forecasted color enables color matching for print applications
  • Strong visual imagery elevates and aids in the creation of internal story boards and presentations